Let the Journey Commence
Offensively early on Monday morning, I'll be heading off to Guatemala with fourteen other teenagers and two leaders for the beginning of seven months full of learning, personal development, and a once in a lifetime experience. The journey, however, has already started. In preparation for the year, I've read a few books, including Ishmael by Daniel Quinn, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins, and Half the Sky by Nicholas D Kristof and Sheryl Wudunn. I would highly recommend all three of these books. Each one resonated deeply with me and got me asking some important questions: How reliable is our culture's narrative about who we are and how we should live? At what point do we have to assume responsibility for our own ignorance? How can we assist in creating meaningful and culturally respectful social and economic change in developing countries? These are just some of the many questions that I hope to find some answers to over the course of the year, albeit probably many deeply conflicting answers rather than one perfectly wrapped answer.
As my date of departure has begun creeping up on me, I have surprisingly felt an unwavering confidence. For maybe the first time in my life, I feel completely sure that this next step is the right one. That's not to say I'm not stressed out... Trust me, I have more than enough stress at the moment. Have I said goodbye to everyone I need to? Have I packed everything I need? These types of questions are running through my mind non-stop. And yet, I know that as soon as I board that plane, all of those little thoughts and worries will fade away and I will be able to commit myself fully to the expedition ahead of me.
I would love for you to follow my journey these next seven months, and I hope that through my words and pictures on this blog, you can come away with a deeper understanding of the world as well!
Lastly, I want to take a minute to thank everyone that donated to my gofundme page to help make this possible for me: The Klingelhofers, The Blumenfelds, Larry and Donna Oros, The Shapiros, Mimi Shapiro, Betsy Ross, Nancy Rapport, Mindy Hall, Bess Greenberg, Belle Bellini, Lori Schafer, Kira Yoder, Linda Davis, Dana Adler, Karen Cohn, Jennifer Fletcher Parsley, Lindsay Shepard, Karen Smithwick, and Betty Langer. I appreciate the support more than you know.
For more information on the logistics of my Global Gap Year click this link: https://thinkingbeyondborders.org/gap-year-programs/global-gap-year/
I couldn’t be prouder of you, bud! Xoxo